
Nax Mr Dim ((BETTER)) 🤜🏿

Nax Mr Dim: What is it and why is it important?

If you are interested in the education system of Nakhchivan, you may have heard of Nax Mr Dim. But what exactly is it and why does it matter? In this article, we will explain what Nax Mr Dim is, what are its main functions, how it operates, what are its benefits, and what are its challenges and opportunities. By the end of this article, you will have a better understanding of this important institution and its role in the development of Nakhchivan.


Nakhchivan is an autonomous republic within Azerbaijan, located in the South Caucasus region. It has a population of about 460,000 people and a territory of 5,500 square kilometers. Nakhchivan has a rich history and culture, as well as a diverse natural environment. It is also known for its achievements in various fields, such as agriculture, industry, tourism, health, and education.

Education is one of the key priorities of the government of Nakhchivan, as it recognizes the importance of investing in human capital for the future development of the republic. According to the official statistics, there are 236 general education schools, 12 vocational schools, 7 higher education institutions, and 4 scientific research institutes in Nakhchivan. The literacy rate is 99.8%, and the enrollment rate in higher education is 43.6%. The quality of education is also high, as evidenced by the results of national and international assessments.

One of the main institutions that contributes to the quality of education in Nakhchivan is Nax Mr Dim. But what is it exactly?

What is Nax Mr Dim?

Nax Mr Dim stands for Naxçıvan Muxtar Respublikasının Dövlət İmtahan Mərkəzi, which means State Examination Center of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic. It is a public entity that was established in 2010 by the decree of the Chairman of the Supreme Assembly of Nakhchivan. Its main purpose is to organize and conduct examinations for students at different levels of education, as well as to provide methodological guidance and support to teachers and schools.

Nax Mr Dim has a director, a deputy director, and four departments: Examination Department, Methodology Department, Information Technology Department, and Administrative Department. It also has a staff of about 50 people, including specialists, experts, programmers, technicians, and administrators. The center operates under the supervision of the Ministry of Education of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic and cooperates with other relevant institutions, such as universities, schools, teachers’ associations, and international organizations.

What are the main functions of Nax Mr Dim?

Nax Mr Dim has three main functions: organizing examinations, providing methodological guidance and support, and conducting research and analysis.

Organizing examinations

The primary function of Nax Mr Dim is to organize and conduct examinations for students at different levels of education. These include:

  • Entrance examinations for higher education institutions
  • Final examinations for secondary education
  • State examinations for vocational education
  • International examinations for language proficiency
  • Olympiads and competitions for talented students

Nax Mr Dim ensures that these examinations are fair, transparent, valid, reliable, and objective. It uses modern technologies and methods to design, administer, score, and report the examinations. It also

provides feedback and guidance to the students, teachers, and schools on how to prepare for and improve their performance on the examinations.

Providing methodological guidance and support

The second function of Nax Mr Dim is to provide methodological guidance and support to the teachers and schools in Nakhchivan. This includes:

  • Developing and distributing curriculum standards, textbooks, and teaching materials
  • Conducting training and workshops for teachers on modern pedagogical methods and assessment techniques
  • Monitoring and evaluating the quality of teaching and learning in schools
  • Providing advice and consultation to teachers and schools on how to improve their educational practices

Nax Mr Dim aims to enhance the professional competence and capacity of the teachers and schools in Nakhchivan. It helps them to implement the national curriculum, to use effective teaching strategies, to assess the students’ learning outcomes, and to create a positive and conducive learning environment.

Conducting research and analysis

The third function of Nax Mr Dim is to conduct research and analysis on various aspects of the education system in Nakhchivan. This includes:

  • Collecting and processing data on the students’ achievements, progress, and needs
  • Analyzing the trends, patterns, and gaps in the education system
  • Comparing the performance of Nakhchivan with other regions and countries
  • Identifying the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of the education system
  • Providing recommendations and suggestions for further improvement

Nax Mr Dim uses scientific methods and tools to conduct research and analysis. It also collaborates with other research institutions, both national and international, to share information and experiences. It aims to provide evidence-based policy advice and decision making for the education system in Nakhchivan.

Benefits of Nax Mr Dim

Nax Mr Dim has many benefits for the education system in Nakhchivan. Some of these benefits are:

Improving the quality of education in Nakhchivan

Nax Mr Dim contributes to improving the quality of education in Nakhchivan by ensuring that the students are assessed according to high standards, that the teachers are trained and supported according to modern methods, that the schools are monitored and evaluated according to clear criteria, and that the curriculum is aligned with the national and international requirements. By doing so, Nax Mr Dim helps to raise the level of knowledge, skills, competencies, and values of the students in Nakhchivan.

Providing fair and transparent assessment of students

Nax Mr Dim provides fair and transparent assessment of students by using objective, reliable, valid, and secure examinations. It also uses advanced technologies, such as computer-based testing, biometric identification, online registration, electronic scoring, etc., to ensure that the examinations are administered smoothly and efficiently. It also provides feedback and guidance to the students on how to prepare for and improve their performance on the examinations. By doing so, Nax Mr Dim helps to ensure that the students are assessed based on their merits and abilities.

Supporting the development of human capital in Nakhchivan

Nax Mr Dim supports the development of human capital in Nakhchivan by providing opportunities for the students to pursue higher education, vocational education, language proficiency, or talent development. It also provides opportunities for the teachers to enhance their professional skills and knowledge. It also provides opportunities for the schools to improve their educational practices and outcomes. By doing so, Nax Mr Dim helps to create a pool of qualified, competent, creative, and innovative human resources for Nakhchivan.

Challenges and opportunities for Nax Mr Dim

Nax Mr Dim faces some challenges as well as opportunities in fulfilling its functions. Some of these challenges and opportunities are:

Adapting to the changing needs of the education system

One of the challenges that Nax Mr Dim faces is to adapt to the changing needs of the education system in Nakhchivan. As the education system evolves and develops, so do the expectations and demands of the students, teachers, schools, parents, employers, and society. Nax Mr Dim has to constantly update and improve its examinations, methodologies, technologies, and services to meet these needs and to ensure the relevance and quality of its functions.

One of the opportunities that Nax Mr Dim has is to learn from the best practices and experiences of other similar institutions in the region and in the world. Nax Mr Dim can benefit from the exchange of information, knowledge, and expertise with other examination centers, assessment agencies, research institutes, and international organizations. Nax Mr Dim can also participate in regional and global initiatives and projects that aim to improve the quality and standards of education and assessment.

Enhancing the capacity and professionalism of the staff

Another challenge that Nax Mr Dim faces is to enhance the capacity and professionalism of its staff. As the functions of Nax Mr Dim become more complex and diverse, so do the skills and competencies required of its staff. Nax Mr Dim has to ensure that its staff are well-trained, qualified, experienced, motivated, and ethical in performing their duties and responsibilities.

Another opportunity that Nax Mr Dim has is to provide continuous professional development and career advancement for its staff. Nax Mr Dim can offer various training programs, workshops, seminars, conferences, scholarships, internships, etc., for its staff to improve their knowledge, skills, abilities, and attitudes. Nax Mr Dim can also recognize and reward the achievements and contributions of its staff to the organization and to the education system.

Expanding the cooperation and exchange with other institutions

A third challenge that Nax Mr Dim faces is to expand the cooperation and exchange with other institutions in Nakhchivan and beyond. As the functions of Nax Mr Dim become more interrelated and interdependent with other institutions, so do the need for coordination and collaboration. Nax Mr Dim has to establish and maintain effective communication and partnership with other institutions, such as universities, schools, teachers’ associations, ministries, media, civil society, etc., to ensure the smooth operation and integration of its functions.

A third opportunity that Nax Mr Dim has is to leverage the cooperation and exchange with other institutions to enhance its visibility and reputation. Nax Mr Dim can showcase its achievements and successes to other institutions, as well as to the public, through various channels and platforms. Nax Mr Dim can also solicit feedback and suggestions from other institutions, as well as from the stakeholders, to improve its performance and quality.


In conclusion, Nax Mr Dim is an important institution that contributes to the quality of education in Nakhchivan. It organizes examinations for students at different levels of education, provides methodological guidance and support to the teachers and schools, and conducts research and analysis on the education system. It has many benefits, such as improving the quality of education, providing fair and transparent assessment, and supporting the development of human capital in Nakhchivan. It also faces some challenges and opportunities, such as adapting to the changing needs of the education system, enhancing the capacity and professionalism of the staff, and expanding the cooperation and exchange with other institutions. Nax Mr Dim is a valuable asset for Nakhchivan and deserves recognition and support from all stakeholders.


Here are some frequently asked questions about Nax Mr Dim:

  1. What does Nax Mr Dim stand for?
  2. Nax Mr Dim stands for Naxçıvan Muxtar Respublikasının Dövlət İmtahan Mərkəzi, which means State Examination Center of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic.

  3. When was Nax Mr Dim established?
  4. Nax Mr Dim was established in 2010 by the decree of the Chairman of the Supreme Assembly of Nakhchivan.

  5. What are the main examinations that Nax Mr Dim organizes?
  6. Nax Mr Dim organizes entrance examinations for higher education institutions, final examinations for secondary education, state examinations for vocational education, international examinations for language proficiency, and olympiads and competitions for talented students.

  7. How can I contact Nax Mr Dim?
  8. You can contact Nax Mr Dim by visiting its website (www.naxdim.az), by calling its phone number (+994 36 545 00 01), or by sending an email to its address (info@naxdim.az).

  9. How can I prepare for the examinations organized by Nax Mr Dim?
  10. You can prepare for the examinations organized by Nax Mr Dim by studying the curriculum standards, textbooks, and teaching materials provided by Nax Mr Dim, by taking practice tests and mock exams available on its website, by following the instructions and guidelines given by Nax Mr Dim, and by seeking feedback and advice from your teachers and peers.
