
Getting Over It Unlimited Money Apk 📢

Download File 🆓 https://urllio.com/2uTMPD

Getting Over It Unlimited Money APK: How to Download and Play

Have you ever heard of Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy? It’s a game that has been described as one of the most frustrating and satisfying experiences ever. It’s a game that challenges you to climb a mountain using nothing but a hammer and a cauldron. It’s a game that mocks you with philosophical quotes and commentary from the developer himself. And it’s a game that has a huge fan base of people who love to watch others rage and fail.

If you are one of those people who enjoy this kind of game, or if you are curious about what it’s like, you might be interested in trying out Getting Over It Unlimited Money APK. This is a modified version of the game that gives you unlimited money and unlocks everything in the game. Sounds tempting, right? But before you download and install it, let’s take a closer look at what Getting Over It is, what Getting Over It Unlimited Money APK is, and how to download and play it.

What is Getting Over It?

A brief introduction to the game and its developer

Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy is a game that was released in 2017 by Bennett Foddy, an Australian game designer who is known for making games that are intentionally difficult and frustrating. Some of his previous games include QWOP, GIRP, CLOP, and Pole Riders. He also teaches game design at New York University.

Getting Over It was inspired by Sexy Hiking, a 2002 game by Czech developer Jazzuo, which also involved climbing a mountain with a hammer. Foddy wanted to create a modern version of Sexy Hiking that would appeal to the current generation of gamers who are used to easy and forgiving games. He also wanted to make a game that would explore the themes of frustration, perseverance, failure, and success.

The gameplay and the challenge

The gameplay of Getting Over It is very simple. You control a man named Diogenes who is stuck in a cauldron. You can move him around by using your mouse or touch screen to swing his hammer. You can use the hammer to hook onto objects, push yourself off surfaces, or propel yourself into the air. Your goal is to reach the top of the mountain, which is filled with various obstacles such as rocks, trees, furniture, pipes, barrels, etc.

The challenge of Getting Over It is very high. The game has no checkpoints, no save system, no undo button, no hints, no tutorials, no difficulty settings, no rewards, no achievements, no endings (except for one secret ending). The game also has realistic physics that make it hard to control your movements. The slightest mistake can cause you to fall down or even lose all your progress. The game can take anywhere from minutes to hours to days to weeks to months to years to complete depending on your skill level.

The commentary and the philosophy

As you play Getting Over It, you will hear Bennett Foddy’s voice narrating your journey. He will comment on your actions, your failures, your successes, and the game itself. He will also quote various authors, philosophers, artists, and celebrities who have talked about the topics of frustration, perseverance, failure, and success. Some of the quotes are inspirational, some are humorous, some are sarcastic, and some are downright depressing.

The commentary and the philosophy of Getting Over It are meant to provoke your thoughts and emotions. Foddy wants you to reflect on why you play games, what you get out of them, how you deal with challenges, how you cope with failure, how you celebrate success, and what it all means to you. He also wants you to question the game itself, its design, its purpose, its message, and its value. He wants you to have a personal and unique experience that is different from any other game.

What is Getting Over It Unlimited Money APK?

A modified version of the game that unlocks everything

Getting Over It Unlimited Money APK is a modded version of the game that gives you unlimited money and unlocks everything in the game. This means that you can buy any item from the shop, such as hats, hammers, cauldrons, skins, etc. You can also access any mode from the menu, such as practice mode, speedrun mode, golden cauldron mode, etc. You can also skip any part of the mountain that you don’t like or that is too hard for you.

Getting Over It Unlimited Money APK is not an official version of the game. It is created by third-party developers who have modified the original game files. It is not endorsed or supported by Bennett Foddy or his team. It is not available on the official platforms where Getting Over It is sold, such as Steam, Humble Bundle, or Google Play Store. It is only available on some websites that offer APK downloads for Android devices.

The features and benefits of the mod

The features and benefits of Getting Over It Unlimited Money APK are obvious. You can enjoy the game without any limitations or restrictions. You can customize your character and your hammer to your liking. You can explore the mountain at your own pace and skip any parts that you find boring or frustrating. You can try out different modes and challenges that add variety and fun to the game. You can also show off your achievements and progress to your friends and online communities.

Getting Over It Unlimited Money APK can also help you learn the game better and improve your skills. You can practice any section of the mountain that you want to master. You can experiment with different techniques and strategies that work best for you. You can also watch other players who have completed the game using the mod and learn from their tips and tricks.

The risks and drawbacks of the mod

The risks and drawbacks of Getting Over It Unlimited Money APK are also evident. You can ruin the original experience and intention of the game. You can miss out on the challenge and satisfaction that come from overcoming difficulties and reaching goals. You can lose the sense of accomplishment and reward that come from earning things through hard work and patience. You can also lose the meaning and message that the game tries to convey through its design and commentary.

Getting Over It Unlimited Money APK can also expose you to potential dangers and problems. You can download a fake or malicious file that can harm your device or steal your data. You can violate the terms of service and intellectual property rights of Bennett Foddy and his team. You can also face criticism and backlash from other players who respect the game and its creator.

How to Download and Install Getting Over It Unlimited Money APK?

The steps to download the mod from a reliable source

If you still want to try Getting Over It Unlimited Money APK despite its risks and drawbacks, here are the steps to download it from a reliable source:

  1. Go to a website that offers APK downloads for Android devices, such as APKPure.com, APKMirror.com, or APKMody.io. Make sure that the website is trustworthy and reputable by checking its reviews, ratings, comments, etc.
  2. Search for Getting Over It Unlimited Money APK on the website’s search bar. Make sure that the mod is compatible with your device’s specifications and operating system version.
  3. Click on the download button or link for Getting Over It Unlimited Money APK. Make sure that the file size matches the one displayed on the website.
  4. Wait for the download to finish. Check if the file name ends with .apk extension.

The steps to install the mod on your device

After downloading Getting Over It Unlimited Money APK from a reliable source, here are the steps to install the mod on your device:

  1. Go to your device’s settings and enable the option to install apps from unknown sources. This will allow you to install APK files that are not from the official Google Play Store.
  2. Locate the downloaded Getting Over It Unlimited Money APK file on your device’s file manager or downloads folder. Tap on the file to open it.
  3. Follow the instructions on the screen to install the mod. Grant any permissions or access that the mod requires.
  4. Wait for the installation to complete. Check if the mod icon appears on your device’s home screen or app drawer.

The steps to launch and play the mod

After installing Getting Over It Unlimited Money APK on your device, here are the steps to launch and play it:

  1. Tap on the mod icon to open it. You may see a loading screen or a disclaimer message before the game starts.
  2. Select the language and the sound options that you prefer. You may also see a menu that lets you choose between different modes, such as practice mode, speedrun mode, golden cauldron mode, etc.
  3. Start playing the game by moving your character with your mouse or touch screen. You can also access the shop by clicking on the money icon on the top right corner of the screen. You can buy any item from the shop using your unlimited money.
  4. Enjoy the game and have fun. You can also share your progress and achievements with your friends and online communities.

Tips and Tricks for Beating Getting Over It

Some useful advice from experts and speedrunners

If you want to beat Getting Over It with or without the mod, here are some useful advice from experts and speedrunners who have mastered the game:

  • Practice a lot and learn from your mistakes. The game is all about trial and error, so don’t give up easily and try again until you succeed.
  • Watch other players who have completed the game and learn from their techniques and strategies. You can find many videos and streams of Getting Over It on platforms such as YouTube, Twitch, or Reddit.
  • Use shortcuts and skips whenever possible. There are some parts of the mountain that you can skip or bypass by using certain moves or tricks. For example, you can skip the orange hell section by launching yourself over it from the anvil.
  • Adjust your mouse or touch screen sensitivity according to your preference. You can change this option in the game’s settings. A higher sensitivity will make your movements faster but less precise, while a lower sensitivity will make your movements slower but more accurate.
  • Relax and have fun. Don’t let the game get to you and stress you out. Remember that it’s just a game and not a test of your worth or intelligence. Enjoy the challenge and the humor of the game.

Some common mistakes to avoid

If you want to avoid falling down or losing progress in Getting Over It, here are some common mistakes to avoid:

  • Don’t swing your hammer too wildly or too fast. This can cause you to lose control of your character and fall off balance. Instead, swing your hammer slowly and carefully, and use small movements to adjust your position.
  • Don’t push yourself too hard or too far. This can cause you to overshoot your target or miss your landing spot. Instead, push yourself gently and gradually, and use your hammer to hook onto objects or surfaces.
  • Don’t panic or rage when you fall down or lose progress. This can cause you to make more mistakes or quit the game altogether. Instead, calm down and take a break if needed, and try again with a positive attitude.
  • Don’t listen to Bennett Foddy’s commentary too much or too seriously. This can cause you to get distracted, annoyed, or demotivated by his words. Instead, listen to him as a source of entertainment, information, or inspiration, depending on how you interpret his message.
  • Don’t cheat or use mods too much or too often. This can cause you to lose interest, satisfaction, or respect for the game. Instead, cheat or use mods only if you really want to or need to, and appreciate the game for what it is.

Some motivational quotes to keep you going

If you need some motivation or encouragement to keep playing Getting Over It, here are some motivational quotes from various sources that might help you:

“The obstacle is the way.” – Ryan Holiday

“The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” – Lao Tzu

“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.” – Winston Churchill

“It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.” – Confucius

“The only way out is through.” – Robert Frost


Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy is a game that can make you feel a range of emotions, from anger to joy, from frustration to satisfaction, from despair to hope. It is a game that can challenge you, teach you, entertain you, and inspire you. It is a game that can be played in many ways, with or without mods, with or without cheats, with or without commentary.

Getting Over It Unlimited Money APK is one of the mods that can change your experience of the game. It can make the game easier and more fun, or it can make the game less meaningful and less rewarding. It can help you learn the game better and improve your skills, or it can expose you to potential dangers and problems. It can be a useful tool or a harmful temptation, depending on how you use it.

If you want to try Getting Over It Unlimited Money APK, you can download it from a reliable source and install it on your device following the steps we have provided. You can also follow the tips and tricks we have shared to beat the game with or without the mod. You can also use the motivational quotes we have listed to keep you going when the game gets tough.

Whatever you choose to do, we hope that you enjoy Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy and have a memorable and unique experience that is different from any other game.


Q: Is Getting Over It Unlimited Money APK safe to download and install?

A: Getting Over It Unlimited Money APK is not an official version of the game. It is created by third-party developers who have modified the original game files. Therefore, it may not be safe to download and install. You may encounter fake or malicious files that can harm your device or steal your data. You may also violate the terms of service and intellectual property rights of Bennett Foddy and his team. You may also face criticism and backlash from other players who respect the game and its creator.

Q: Is Getting Over It Unlimited Money APK legal to use?

A: Getting Over It Unlimited Money APK is not legal to use. It infringes on the rights and interests of Bennett Foddy and his team who have created and published the game. It also violates the rules and regulations of the platforms where Getting Over It is sold, such as Steam, Humble Bundle, or Google Play Store. You may face legal consequences or penalties if you use the mod.

Q: Is Getting Over It Unlimited Money APK worth using?

A: Getting Over It Unlimited Money APK is worth using depending on your personal preference and purpose. If you want to enjoy the game without any limitations or restrictions, if you want to customize your character and your hammer, if you want to explore the mountain at your own pace and skip any parts that you don’t like or that are too hard for you, if you want to try out different modes and challenges that add variety and fun to the game, then Getting Over It Unlimited Money APK may be worth using for you.

However, if you want to experience the original intention and design of the game, if you want to face the challenge and satisfaction that come from overcoming difficulties and reaching goals, if you want to feel the accomplishment and reward that come from earning things through hard work and patience, if you want to understand the meaning and message that the game tries to convey through its design and commentary, then Getting Over It Unlimited Money APK may not be worth using for you.

Q: How long does it take to beat Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy?

A: The time it takes to beat Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy varies depending on your skill level, your luck, your persistence, and your strategy. Some players have beaten the game in minutes, while others have taken hours, days, weeks, months, or even years. The world record for beating the game is currently 1 minute 19 seconds by speedrunner Lockness06.

Q: What is the secret ending of Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy?

A: The secret ending of Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy is a reward for players who have completed the game without using any mods or cheats. To access the secret ending, you need to reach the top of the mountain where there is a space station. Inside the space station, there is a golden cauld on that contains a reward for you. The reward is a link to a chat room where you can talk to other players who have also beaten the game. You can also listen to a special song by Bennett Foddy that plays in the background. The secret ending is a way for the game to congratulate you and connect you with other players who have shared your experience.
