Wealth & Lifestyle

Wealthy Lifestyle Network Review

The Wealthy Lifestyle Network was launched back in February 2011 and is in effect a matrix builder. It uses information products such as books, webinars and videos that teach people how to manage debt and wealth building techniques and these can be sold to customers.

Well the idea behind this business concept is that you join as a W.L.N associate which is free. As soon as you sign up you get put into a 2×2 “follow me” cycle matrix. This then entitles you to sponsor two other people who will each in turn will find 2 other people. Once your matrix is filled you move on to the next one. There are four 2×2 matrix levels and they are Silver, Gold, Platinum and Diamond. Each time you cycle you get paid a bonus, ranging from $200 through to $1150.

Once you have cycled through these four stages you then get automatic entry into the Wealth Academy. This is in essence a 2×15 matrix and this is where the real money is. In fact, the other part of this business is merely a sales funnel for the more lucrative stuff. Here you can have full resale rights on the products, giving you 100% of the profits, and commissions are paid out on sales down to 15 levels. You also receive percentages of the global bonus pool. The only stipulation is that to keep yourself in the wealth academy you must make at least 1 product sale within a 30 day period.

When you start in this business, you receive 1 share for every member who joins Wealthy Lifestyle Network. This share goes towards the global bonus pool profits which are made by retaining 50% of the sales on all items from the first 4 levels. When you move into the Wealth Academy this multiplies by 10. This means that every time a paid member activates, you get 10 x the shares.

In a nutshell, multi level marketing businesses such as this company do have a good legitimate business model and in an ideal world it would be a great way to make money. However, 97% of people who get into MLM don’t fully understand it and as a result, quit before they even start. The sad thing is that programs such as this will always seek out opportunists, who hop from one MLM biz to another. This in turn means that it will take longer to build your business than you might think.

The bottom line is that there is no catch, it’s simply is what it is. A business opportunity that requires a lot of work and indeed time on your part. If you understand that, then there is no reason why Wealthy Lifestyle Network won’t work for you or any opportunity for that matter.

Source by Dane Tanodra

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