Exercise & Workouts

Food As Fuel – A Requirement for Workouts

During an exercise session, your body burns calories which in turn release energy that helps to power different parts of the body. To ensure that your body has calories to burn and not store them, consume the right foods. Experts have classified foods into 5 groups namely fruits, vegetables, grains, protein and dairy. They are rich in nutrients and minerals like protein, carbohydrates, vitamins, zinc, magnesium, potassium and calcium among others.

With the right foods and water, you can gain the much needed energy before, during and after your workout. The muscles not only need the energy but they need to be repaired and regenerate as some do get tears during exercising.

This is what experts recommend one to do before, during and after workouts.


Here is what you need to know, when you start a workout before fueling up, it’s like starting a car with the hope of driving away yet the fuel tank is empty. You need the energy in order to maximize your exercises and this can only be achieved through the process of metabolism. This is where the body breaks the down food into a soluble mix which acts as a fuel for the body.

According to experts, you need to consume the following foods before you begin your exercise.

a. Carbohydrates should include whole grain cereals, whole wheat toast, low fat yoghurt, brown rice, fruits and vegetables. When you consume easy to digest carbs, you will not feel sluggish.

b. Drink water

c. Eat lots of protein since it digests slower and takes away oxygen from your muscles.


When you exercise, your body burns calories from foods you ate 2 hours before you began. You will sweat as a result of the muscles burning away any fat located in your body. When you sweat, you reduce the amount of water in your body.

To ensure this does not happen, you need to hydrate. You can carry a bottle of water with you and take a few sips during your workout session. Eat an energy bar or banana every half hour to provide your body with 50 to 100 calories.


So you are done burning calories and your muscles are aching a little. After wiping sweat off your face, you can take a shower to refresh your body. Once your are done, it’s time to replenish your body with food. You need to consume foods rich in protein and carbohydrates. Carbohydrates act as a source of energy while protein help to repair and regenerate your muscles. Drink water to prevent cell flaccidity and refresh your body.

Final Thoughts

Working out is a great way of providing your limbs with the much needed exercise as well as burning the fat in your body. Before, during and after your workout, you need to eat and burn calories to provide fuel for your body. Eat protein rich food, carbohydrates and drink water to ensure the health of your body.

Source by Sam Kithuka

Standout Fitness

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