Health & Nutrition

Skinny Pasta 9.52 oz – The Only Odor Free 100% Konjac Noodle (Shirataki Noodles) – Pasta Weight loss – Low Calorie Food – Healthy Diet Pasta – Noodles – 6-Pack

Price: $19.88
(as of Sep 22, 2020 10:39:43 UTC – Details)

Product Description

What is Skinny Pasta?

Skinny Pasta is a healthy pasta alternative made of the Konjac plant. The Konjac is a plant is a plant native to warm, tropical parts of Asia. It’s popular in East Asian cuisine and known for its high fiber content. Gel derived from Konjac is often used in Western foods as a vegan substitute for gelatin. In Japan, its tuber is often used to make shirataki noodles which can be found in most Asian food markets. As a gel or flour, it’s often used to thicken foods. It has many uses in confections, as well as special-needs diets. The Konjac plant has been shown to normalize cholesterol levels, prevent high blood pressure, and normalize blood sugar levels.

When combined with one to two glasses of water, Skinny Pasta allows you to enjoy a great tasting pasta, while eliminating your appetite. The Konjac plant also contains Glucomannan, a healthy and all-natural, water-soluble fiber that aids in digestion and weight loss. The Konjac fibers found in each Skinny Pasta dish has the superb ability to absorb liquids. Once these fibers come into contact with water upon digestion, this helps to fill the stomach, creating a sense of satisfaction.

Though other Konjac noodles are known to have a poignant smell as a result of the methods used to preserve them, Skinny Pasta does not, and each mimic the taste and texture of its traditional counterpart.

Great for Special Diets

New to the US market, but wildly popular in the 20+ countries it’s already available in, Skinny Pasta promotes healthy weight loss with a delicious food staple that’s only nine calories per serving.

Available in a traditional noodle shape, couscous, spaghetti, lasagna, fettuccini and rice, each is completely free of sugar, gluten, starch, wheat, lactose, soy, salt, cholesterol, fat and preservatives.

Skinny Pasta has zero net carbs and is only nine calories per 100 grams (3.52 oz)!

Skinny Pasta is a great option for those looking for a healthier option in the pasta aisle, while still maximizing taste in their dishes.

​We love hearing all of the exciting new recipes our customers are coming up with! Skinny Pasta is a safe and healthy option for vegetarians, vegans, and those who are diabetic or sensitive to gluten. 

Skinny Pasta is…


Fun Recipes! Asian Salad with Skinny Pasta Noodles

1 package of Skinny Pasta Noodles
1/4 white cabbage sliced into thin strips
1 red onion sliced into thin strips
5 fresh mushrooms
1 carrot sliced into thin strips
1/4 celery root sliced into thin strips
1/4 tsp pickled ginger
100 grams of thick sprouts
1/2 tsp toasted sesame seeds
1/4 tsp sesame oil
1 tsp lemon juice
Salt and pepper to taste
2 tbsp. light soy sauce

Rinse Skinny Pasta under warm water. Mix the dressing ingredients; lemon juice, sesame oil, soy sauce, sweetener, salt and pepper. Marinate the Skinny Pasta in the dressing (can be prepared a few hours in advance). Slice onion, cabbage, carrot, celery, sprouts and place in a bowl. Fry mushrooms on medium heat with a little oil until slightly browned, and add to bowl. Add the marinated noodles and the remaining dressing and mix well. Sprinkle with toasted sesame seeds.

Try Our Other Skinny Pasta Shapes!

Skinny Pasta is a great option for those looking for a healthier option in the pasta aisle, while still maximizing taste in their dishes.

Skinny Pasta has zero net carbs and is only nine calories per 100 grams (3.52 oz)!

Try our other Skinny Pasta Shapes! 

Use with your favorite recipe, or try one of ours- like this delicious Asian Salad with Skinny Pasta Noodles!

KONJAC PASTA — Skinny Pasta is made with a unique ingredient known as the Konjac plant, a native to Southeast Asia, and contains Glucomannan, a healthy and all-natural, water-soluble fiber that slows digestion and weight loss.
GREAT TASTING PASTA ALTERNATIVE Ð Available in spaghetti, fettuccine, noodle, and rice shapes, Skinny Pasta allows you to enjoy a great tasting pasta, while eliminating your appetite. Use Skinny Pasta as a pasta replacement and prepare meals as you would with any pasta or rice dish.
COMPLETELY ODOR FREE Ð Skinny Pasta is an odor-free pasta with the same texture as traditional pasta. Other Konjac noodles are known to have a poignant smell and slimy texture as a result of the methods used to preserve them.
PERFECT FOR SPECIAL DIETS — Skinny Pasta is a safe, healthy option for anyone on a gluten free diet and is a celiac and diabetic friendly pasta alternative. Great for vegetarians and perfect for a paleo or keto lifestyle.

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