
Windows.Genuine.Advantage.Validation.v1.9.9.1.CRACKED [PATCHED] Download Pc

How to Download and Install Windows Genuine Advantage Validation Crack v1.9.9.1 for Free

Windows Genuine Advantage (WGA) is a software component of Microsoft Windows that validates the authenticity of the operating system and its license. If WGA detects that your Windows copy is not genuine, it will display annoying notifications and restrict some features such as Windows Update and Microsoft Security Essentials.

However, there is a way to bypass WGA and enjoy all the benefits of a genuine Windows PC. In this article, we will show you how to download and install Windows Genuine Advantage Validation Crack v1.9.9.1, a tool that can remove WGA from your system and make it appear as genuine.

What is Windows Genuine Advantage Validation Crack v1.9.9.1?

Windows Genuine Advantage Validation Crack v1.9.9.1 is a software program that can modify the registry entries and files related to WGA and disable its functionality. It can also prevent WGA from reinstalling itself after a system update or a reboot.

By using Windows Genuine Advantage Validation Crack v1.9.9.1, you can avoid the annoying WGA notifications and access all the features of Windows without any limitations. You can also download and install updates and security patches from Microsoft without any problems.

How to Download Windows Genuine Advantage Validation Crack v1.9.9.1?

The first step to use Windows Genuine Advantage Validation Crack v1.9.9.1 is to download it from a reliable source. You can find many websites that offer this tool for free, but be careful as some of them may contain viruses or malware that can harm your computer.

One of the best places to download Windows Genuine Advantage Validation Crack v1.9.9.1 is this website. This website provides a safe and fast download link for the tool, as well as detailed instructions on how to use it.

To download Windows Genuine Advantage Validation Crack v1.9.9.1 from this website, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the download button below and save the file to your computer.
  2. Extract the file using a program like WinRAR or 7-Zip.
  3. You will see a folder named “Windows.Genuine.Advantage.Validation.v1.9.9.1.CRACKED” that contains two files: “WgaLogon.dll” and “WgaTray.exe”.

How to Install Windows Genuine Advantage Validation Crack v1.9.9.1?

After downloading Windows Genuine Advantage Validation Crack v1.9.9.1, you need to install it on your computer. This is a simple and quick process that does not require any technical skills.

To install Windows Genuine Advantage Validation Crack v1.9.9.1, follow these steps:

  1. Open the folder “Windows.Genuine.Advantage.Validation.v1.9.9.1.CRACKED” and copy the two files “WgaLogon.dll” and “WgaTray.exe”.
  2. Paste the two files in the folder “C:\Windows\System32”. You may need to grant administrator permission to do this.
  3. Restart your computer and enjoy a genuine Windows experience.

How to Uninstall Windows Genuine Advantage Validation Crack v1.9.9.1?

If you want to uninstall Windows Genuine Advantage Validation Crack v1.9.9.1 for any reason, you can do so easily and safely. You just need to delete the two files “WgaLogon.dll” and “WgaTray.exe” from the folder “C:\Windows\System32” and reboot your computer.

However, keep in mind that uninstalling Windows Genuine Advantage Validation Crack v1.9.9.1 will restore WGA on your system and you will lose the benefits of a genuine Windows PC.

What are the Benefits of Using Windows Genuine Advantage Validation Crack v1.9.9.1?

By using Windows Genuine Advantage Validation Crack v1.9.9.1, you can enjoy many benefits that a genuine Windows PC can offer. Some of these benefits are:

  • You can access all the features and functions of Windows without any restrictions or limitations.
  • You can download and install updates and security patches from Microsoft without any problems or errors.
  • You can use Microsoft products and services such as Office, OneDrive, Skype, etc. without any issues or interruptions.
  • You can avoid the annoying WGA notifications and pop-ups that can affect your productivity and performance.
  • You can save money and time by not having to buy a new Windows license or reinstall the operating system.

What are the Risks of Using Windows Genuine Advantage Validation Crack v1.9.9.1?

While using Windows Genuine Advantage Validation Crack v1.9.9.1 can bring many benefits, it also comes with some risks that you should be aware of. Some of these risks are:

  • You may violate the terms and conditions of Microsoft and face legal consequences or penalties.
  • You may expose your computer to viruses or malware that can damage your system or steal your data.
  • You may encounter compatibility or stability issues with some software or hardware devices that require a genuine Windows license.
  • You may lose the warranty or support from your computer manufacturer or vendor if they detect that you are using a cracked Windows version.
  • You may miss out on some new features or improvements that Microsoft may release for genuine Windows users.


Windows Genuine Advantage Validation Crack v1.9.9.1 is a tool that can help you bypass WGA and enjoy all the benefits of a genuine Windows PC. It is easy to download and install, and it can remove WGA from your system and make it appear as genuine.

However, using Windows Genuine Advantage Validation Crack v1.9.9.1 also comes with some risks that you should consider before using it. You may violate the law, expose your computer to threats, encounter problems with some software or hardware, lose the warranty or support from your computer manufacturer or vendor, or miss out on some new features or improvements from Microsoft.

Therefore, you should weigh the pros and cons of using Windows Genuine Advantage Validation Crack v1.9.9.1 and decide whether it is worth it or not. Alternatively, you can buy a genuine Windows license from Microsoft or an authorized reseller and enjoy a legal and secure Windows experience.

