
JetBrains WebStorm 2019.2 Windows Linux MacOS Free Download |VERIFIED| 💹

How to Download JetBrains WebStorm 2019.2 for Windows, Linux and macOS: A Step-by-Step Guide to the Smartest JavaScript IDE

If you are looking for a powerful and versatile IDE for web development, you might want to download JetBrains WebStorm 2019.2 for Windows, Linux and macOS. WebStorm is a smart JavaScript IDE that offers a rich set of features and tools to help you write, debug, test and refactor your code. WebStorm supports a wide range of web technologies, such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, TypeScript, Node.js, React, Angular, Vue.js and more. WebStorm also integrates with popular tools and services, such as Git, GitHub, npm, Docker, Jest and Cypress.

In this article, we will show you how to download JetBrains WebStorm 2019.2 for Windows, Linux and macOS and what’s new and improved in this version. We will also give you some tips and tricks on how to use WebStorm effectively and efficiently.

Download JetBrains WebStorm 2019.2 for Windows, Linux and macOS

Downloading JetBrains WebStorm 2019.2 for Windows, Linux and macOS is easy and fast. You can do it in a few simple steps:

  • Go to https://www.jetbrains.com/webstorm/download/, which is the official website of JetBrains, the company behind WebStorm.
  • Select your operating system (Windows, Linux or macOS) and click on the Download button.
  • Wait for the download to complete and run the installer.
  • Follow the instructions on the screen to complete the installation.
  • Launch WebStorm and enjoy coding!

You can also download WebStorm using Toolbox App, a handy tool that lets you manage all your JetBrains products from one place. With Toolbox App, you can easily install, update and uninstall WebStorm and other JetBrains tools. You can also switch between different versions of WebStorm and access your projects and settings.

What’s New and Improved in JetBrains WebStorm 2019.2

JetBrains WebStorm 2019.2 is the latest version of WebStorm that was released on July 22, 2019. It brings with it major enhancements in code completion for JavaScript and TypeScript, improved support for Vue.js UI libraries, syntax highlighting for over 20 languages, new intentions for destructuring, and more . Here are some of the highlights of this update:

Improved presentation of completion suggestions in JavaScript and TypeScript

One of the things that makes WebStorm smart is its code completion feature that suggests relevant symbols as you type. In WebStorm 2019.2, the presentation of completion suggestions in JavaScript and TypeScript has been improved to make it clearer where each symbol comes from and where it is defined. For example:

  • For symbols that are standard JavaScript APIs, you’ll see a built-in label and DOM for the browser APIs.
  • For symbols that are imported from other modules or files, you’ll see a namespace and a file or module where it’s defined.
  • For symbols that are defined in your project or libraries, you’ll see a project or library icon.

This way, you can easily distinguish between different types of symbols and choose the one you need.

Support for the Pipeline operator in JavaScript

The Pipeline operator is a new experimental feature in JavaScript that allows you to write more concise and readable code by chaining functions together. For example:

// Without Pipeline operator
const result = double(square(add(5)));

// With Pipeline operator
const result = 5 |> add |> square |> double;

WebStorm 2019.2 supports the Pipeline operator syntax and provides code completion, formatting and navigation for it. To enable this feature, you need to install Babel as a dependency in your project and configure it to use the @babel/plugin-proposal-pipeline-operator plugin.

New intentions for JavaScript destructuring

Destructuring is a useful feature in JavaScript that lets you unpack values from arrays or properties from objects into distinct variables. For example:

// Without destructuring
const person = {name: 'Alice', age: 25};
const name = person.name;
const age = person.age;

// With destructuring
const person = {name: 'Alice', age: 25};
const {name, age} = person;

WebStorm 2019.2 provides new intentions that help you quickly convert your code to use destructuring or vice versa. To use them, press Alt+Enter on the variable or expression you want to change and select the appropriate option from the list.

Improved support for Vue.js UI libraries

Vue.js is a popular framework for building user interfaces with JavaScript. One of the advantages of Vue.js is that it has many UI libraries that provide ready-made components for various purposes. For example:

  • Vuetify: A Material Design component framework for Vue.js.
  • BootstrapVue: A Bootstrap v4 component library for Vue.js.
  • Quasar: A high-performance Material Design component suite with builders for SPA, SSR, PWA, Mobile (Cordova & Capacitor), Desktop (Electron) and Browser extensions.

WebStorm 2019.2 improves its support for Vue.js UI libraries by providing code completion, documentation and navigation for their components. To enable this feature, you need to install the UI library as a dependency in your project and import its components in your Vue files.

Syntax highlighting and basic code completion for 20+ languages

Web development often involves working with different languages besides JavaScript. For example:

  • CSS preprocessors like Sass or Less.
  • Template engines like Pug or Handlebars.
  • Data formats like JSON or YAML.
  • Scripting languages like Python or Ruby.

WebStorm 2019.2 supports syntax highlighting and basic code completion for over 20 languages that are commonly used in web development. This means that you can edit files with these languages in WebStorm without installing any plugins or extensions. You can also configure WebStorm to recognize custom file extensions as specific languages.

I hope this article is informative and SEO optimized enough for you. If you need more help, please let me know.?


JetBrains WebStorm 2019.2 is a smart JavaScript IDE that offers a rich set of features and tools to help you write, debug, test and refactor your code. WebStorm supports a wide range of web technologies, such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, TypeScript, Node.js, React, Angular, Vue.js and more. WebStorm also integrates with popular tools and services, such as Git, GitHub, npm, Docker, Jest and Cypress. WebStorm 2019.2 brings with it major enhancements in code completion for JavaScript and TypeScript, improved support for Vue.js UI libraries, syntax highlighting for over 20 languages, new intentions for destructuring, and more. Downloading JetBrains WebStorm 2019.2 for Windows, Linux and macOS is easy and fast. You can do it in a few simple steps from the official website of JetBrains or using Toolbox App. We hope you enjoy coding with WebStorm and discover its smart features and benefits.

I hope this conclusion is suitable for you. If you need more help, please let me know.?

